For any room up to 500 sq ft
Made For You And Your Spaces
This pair of Compact Air Purifiers blends right in with your living spaces. Their sleek, compact design delivers fresh, clean air to any bedroom, office, baby nursery, or any other small room under 500 sq ft.
Breathe With Confidence
The Clean Air Difference
Get peace of mind knowing that our air purifiers capture & remove harmful things like mold, bacteria, viruses, and ultrafine particles from the air you breathe.
Backed By Science
Independently Tested & Certified
We submit our air purifiers for independent testing & certifications so you can breathe clean air with confidence. Intellipure's DFS (Disinfecting Filtration System) technology removes harmful tiny particles from the air effectively and we’ve got the scientific testing to prove it.
Meet The Compact Air Purifier
Portable Meets Performance
For easy filter replacement
Removes harmful gasses, odors, and more
Captures the bad stuff the pre-filter couldn’t
Ergonomic & easy to move