
Why Air Quality Matters

Feb 21, 2024

By now, you are more than used to me talking to you about why the quality of your food! Because it MATTERS.

Of course, we want to put the best quality foods into our bodies for optimal health, but do you ever stop to think about the products you put on your skin, the chemicals you use to clean your house, or the quality of the air you are breathing in your home?

I do, and if you're here today, I am guessing you do too!

That is why we are talking today about Why Air Quality Matters and what you can do to ensure you are breathing the purest air possible.

Why Air Quality Matters

The Health Risks

Now I certainly don't want to freak you out about the quality of the air you breathe, after all, it's not like you're going to stop breathing it.

BUT I do want you to feel educated and empowered to make a good decision when considering what is best for your family. As a registered dietitian who takes a more holistic approach to health and wellness, I think it is important to consider the quality of your air just as important as you consider the quality of your food.

Now, did you know that air pollution is the world's largest single environmental health risk? So it may come as no surprise to you to know that more than 5.5 million people worldwide are dying prematurely every year as a result of air pollution, according to new research by the EPA, more than half of the people in the U.S. live in counties that have unhealthful levels of air pollutions, putting them at risk for premature death and serious health effects including lung cancer, asthma attacks, cardiovascular disease, and developmental and reproductive harm. recommends that people clean air with a high-quality portable air purifier.

Knowing this information is what led my husband to start searching for an air purifier for our home in the first place.


Our Personal Story

We live in a very small home, only 1,200 square feet, which means that everything produced in our home will stay there. We started to notice we had a problem when we installed our two non-vented fireplaces. Yes they are beautiful, and yes they heat our home at a fraction of the price of our furnace, but there was a major problem we encountered. Soot.

And I'm not talking about just normal, average fireplace soot. I am talking BLACK soot EVERYWHERE.

On the walls, on the furniture, showing up in scary places like in the refrigerator.

As the soot started to accumulate within the house, we started to freak out a bit thinking about the idea that if our walls looked like that, what did our airways look like?

Then one day it happened. After a long day trapped inside the house with the fireplace on, I blew my nose and it was tinted black with soot.

OMG. Red Flag. Red FLAG!

Over time we did realize that our copper pipes were not sized properly which was causing an abnormal amount of soot in the house, but we also realized that we were not just going to sit by and put our health at risk any longer either.

So with the repair of the pipes came the Intellipure Multistage Air Purification System. So far we have seen noticeable changes in breathing, my husband's snoring, and allergies, our wellness, quality of sleep, and overall quality of life.


Review Of IntellipureIntellipure Ultrafine Air Purification System

I am so thankful that we found the Intellipure Ultrafine 468 Product to help us improve the air quality and overall health of our home.

Intellipure is the only air purifier on the market that combats all three pollutant categories: Micro-organisms, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and Particles. This system captures 99% of airborne particles down to .007 microns in size, this includes ultrafine particles HEPA filters can only capture 99.97% of airborne particles down to .3 microns in size. This makes Intellipure's DFS technology more efficient than HEPA filtration standards.

I was nervous that this air purifier would be too loud to keep in our living room, the most central location of the house, but I am thrilled with the low noise level. It has a sleep mode option, for your convenience when trying to sleep, so the light does not bother you, but we find the noise and light so insignificant that ours runs 24/7, which makes us appreciate the Energy Star rating even more.

HEPA filters have a 99% density, which makes it that much harder for the machine to push clean air out; this results in a louder noise volume, more energy used, and lower output of clean air. That being said, the DFS technology filters have a density of approximately 90% which allows a larger outflow of clean air, faster air turnover, a quieter system, all while using less energy!

The patented DFS technology emits a constant electrical charge to the main filter, which prevents microbial growth in the main filter. HEPA filters do not have this feature, so pollutants and microorganisms build up on the filter, feed off one another; therefore, creating a breeding ground, which causes pollution inside your HEPA air cleaner.

The Intellipure Multistage Air Purification System has earned the Parent Tested Parent Approved certification, the Family Review Center Seal of Approval. (And has certainly earned my parent stamp of approval too ;). We also have two cats, so I appreciate the removal of airborne odor.

The unit is available for purchase at www.intellipure.com. (They plan to have financing options available in the near future, too!).

As a lover of quality over quantity, I love knowing that my particular unit has been assembled by hand, and not mass-produced by machines in another country. It feels great knowing that my product has been individually tested and certified using a class-1 particle counter with the unique efficiency reading provided on the Certificate of Efficiency that arrived with my shipment.

And more than anything, I am at peace knowing that I am doing everything I can to protect the quality of the air my family breathes. The need for air purification now applies to everyone.

In terms of health and wellness, air cleaning is now a healthy lifestyle change, along with consuming all-natural, organic ingredients and exercising.

The air we breathe should not be any more toxic than what we eat or drink.

After all, a truly healthy life doesn't mean a few good habits here and there, it requires constant adaptation, and must be embraced in all forms. The decision to clean your indoor air is a decision to provide total health and wellness to you, and your family.

I hope you found some really useful information in this post and truly consider getting the Intellipure Air Purification System.

It is the best product on the market to help keep you and your families health in tip-top shape!

Blog article written by Dietitian Nutritionist, Emily Kyle

Featured in this Article

$149.00 $299.00
Compact Air Purifier
Discontinued SALE
$449.00 $999.00
Ultrafine 468 Air Purifier

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