
Mold: Health Risks and Solutions

Apr 25, 2024

What You Can't See May Be Greatly Impacting Your Family's Health

(This is a sponsored post from my partners at Intellipure. I have been using the company's air filtration machines for well over a decade - many years before I started Living Maxwell.)


After having eaten close to 100% organic since 2001, I have come to realize one thing - food is only one part of the equation.

While I maintain that it is still a very important piece of the puzzle, it is certainly not the only one when it comes to good health. I would put your emotional well-being, the quality of water that you drink, the EMFs that you are exposed to and the air that you breathe all in the same conversation when it comes to optimizing personal wellness.

Yet, arguably, clean air may be the most important thing to address when it comes to your health. Why?

We can go weeks without food. We can go days without water. But we can only go a few minutes without air.

With nearly six million households living with moderate to severe home health and safety hazards, which place them at-risk for illnesses such asthma, lead poisoning, respiratory illnesses and more, one of the most prevalent and least discussed home safety hazards is mold.

What is mold? What are spores?

Mold is a living organism that reproduces by releasing spores, which then latch onto household surfaces. It can enter the home through open windows and doors, or on the bottom of your shoes. Additionally, it could be growing in the dampness of your basement, kitchen or bathrooms. Mold is usually recognized by the dark green splotches that are visible on walls and ceilings, or by the musty odor it produces.

While mold is oftentimes visible, the opposite is true with the spores that it releases. These spores can be dispersed throughout your home in the air and can range from 1-100 microns in size, with the smallest spores unable to be seen by the naked eye. What is most alarming is that you could potentially be ingesting these toxic particles with each breath you take inside your home.

The impacts of mold

A study conducted in 2004 by the Institute of Medicine found significant results linking indoor mold to various health issues, such as upper respiratory tract symptoms, coughing, and wheezing. Individuals who are highly sensitive to mold may have allergic reactions, which could include sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rashes.

The health risks associated with infants and young children are perhaps the most significant. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati published a study in Pediatric Allergy and Immunologyin 2006 which found that young children exposed to airborne mold spores were at an increased risk of (a) asthma and (b) developing allergies later on in life to pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and food.

Mold has also been linked to central nervous system damage, which can cause headaches and mood changes, and a study out of Brown University has linked mold to depression.

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Prevention and remediation

Steven Nardozzi, CEO of Expert Environmental Construction Group, one of the leading mold abatement companies in the Northeast, suggests consulting with your primary care physician to be tested by a mycologist to determine if you have mold proteins in your blood. A mycologist will also be able to inform you as to specific sensitivities you may have to different types of mold.

He also recommends 24/7 use of a high-quality, portable air cleaning system, like the Intellipure.

"Every unit installed has proven to be effective, efficient and made a real impact on our clients' health," said Steven Nardozzi.

The Intellipure, which I have in my apartment and run 24/7, has been tested and proven to capture 99% of airborne particles down to 0.007 microns in size. Compared to a standard HEPA filter, which captures 99.97% of particles down to 0.3 microns in size, the patented Intellipure DFS (Disinfecting Filtration System) technology proves to be more efficient!

The Intellipure is also the only machine on the market that combats all 3-pollutant categories: microorganisms, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particles. Not only does the machine capture mold, bacteria, and viruses, but it prevents anything from growing inside the filter after it has been captured. HEPA filters do not have this feature, so microorganisms can build up on the filter, feed off one another, and create a breeding ground inside the air cleaner.

Each Intellipure air cleaner is handmade in the United States, individually tested, and certified to provide the highest level of microorganism removal, such as mold.

If you have a severe case of mold inside your home, you may need to consult with a mold remediation company to get rid of the source of mold and effectively remove all mold spores.

But for those who don't have a severe case of mold and simply want to take important precautionary measures for the health of your family, purchasing a medical-grade air cleaner, like the Intellipure, will certainly reduce the likelihood of ingesting any harmful airborne mold spores.

To learn more and to purchase the Intellipure, please visit and use the code LIVINGMAXWELL for an exclusive 10% discount and FREE shipping.


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(As mentioned above, I have been using the company's products for approximately 15 years, and currently have the Intellipure machine in my apartment, running 24/7. This is a product that I wholeheartedly believe in. I do, however, make a small affiliate fee from any sale that is generated here. This fee helps to offset the cost of operating this site.)

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Original Post by Max Goldberg, Living Maxwell

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