It's September and every ragweed pollen sufferer across the nation is reaching for allergy medicine and tissues. Unless you're lucky enough to live in Alaska, where ragweed doesn't grow, there's no escaping its pollen. Ragweed is one of the most hated weeds because of its tenacious ability to grow almost anywhere and the sheer volume of pollen it produces. Unfortunately it will still be around until the first frost hits, so hang in there.
Luckily, tree and grass pollen are nearly at an end, with just a few stragglers winding up their seasons. Unfortunately, conditions are still ripe for wildfires out West, with smoke drifting eastward into areas far from the source fires. There may also be an uptick in airborne fine particulate matter as businesses, schools and other industries resume normal operations.
Here are the typical pollens that can be found across the United States this September:
Tree pollen: Cedar, Juniper
Grass pollen:, Bermuda
Weeds: Cocklebur, Dogfennel, Ragweed, Sagebrush
Tree pollen: Cedar, Elm, Juniper
Grass pollen: Bermuda
Weeds: Cocklebur, Dogfennel, Ragweed, Sagebrush
Tree pollen: Typically none in measurable quantity.
Grass pollen: Bermuda, Johnsongrass
Weeds: Cocklebur, Marsh Elder, Nettle, Plantain, Ragweed, Russian Thistle, Sagebrush
South Central
Tree pollen: Elm
Grass pollen: Bermuda
Weeds: Cocklebur, Marsh Elder, Nettle, Plantain, Ragweed, Russian Thistle
Tree pollen: Cedar, Elm, Juniper
Grass pollen: Typically none in measurable quantity.
Weeds: Cocklebur, Ragweed, Sagebrush
Tree pollen: Typically none in measurable quantity.
Grass pollen: Typically none in measurable quantity.
Weeds: Cocklebur, Ragweed, Sagebrush
With fall just around the corner it's a great time to throw open the windows and enjoy the cooler air. But keep an eye on your local outdoor air quality to make sure you aren't bringing in uninvited airborne guests. If the air outside isn't exactly fresh, you need an Intellipure portable air purifier inside. Intellipure's DFS technology uses electronically enhanced filtration to attract and capture ultrafine particles (99.97% filtration down to 0.3 microns). Simply choose an Intellipure portable air purifier and take control over your home's indoor air quality.
Leaf Mold Allergies
Soon the ground will be covered in fall leaves. They may be pretty when still on the trees, but once they're down and hit by a few rain showers, mold begins to grow. Mold loves warm, damp areas where it can take hold, and a pile of wet leaves is perfect. Unfortunately, many people have leaf mold allergies that are triggered this time of year. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, coughing, wheezing, tiredness and even skin rashes. Leaf mold can also trigger asthma attacks. Luckily there are ways to protect yourself from leaf mold allergies. Whenever working around leaves, wear a face mask, gloves and long sleeves to prevent skin contact. Keep an eye on outdoor air quality reports that mention high levels of leaf mold spores in the air. Don't let fallen leaves sit too long; rake, bag and dispose of them before they have a chance to decompose. Stock up on antihistamines now to combat symptoms and use a high-quality air purifier inside your home to remove any wandering leaf mold spores.
International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
Sept. 7 is International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. This day was designated by the U.N. General Assembly in 2019 to emphasize the need for improved air quality to protect human health. Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to human health, causing premature deaths and disease globally. It also contributes to climate change and economic losses. The main source of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gasoline, diesel, etc.), which releases harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants have a range of negative health effects and disproportionately affect vulnerable populations such as women, children and the elderly in developing countries. The economic costs of air pollution are significant, impacting health care, work productivity and tourism. Addressing air pollution requires international cooperation and investment in clean air initiatives. While you can use an air purifier to control your indoor air quality, on September 7th gi\ve some thought on how you can help improve your own local outdoor air quality.